with Sri Ganesh

cheating and treachery and what the actual total amount might be, and he was shocked still… I then tried to make him feel the only way to go was for P to own up to his actions and face his entire family about it and then to learn to stand on his own… I assured him that neither D nor I would tell anyone about it, until P himself was ready to do so. I asked him to help me in this, to try and make sure that P would have the courage and the will to face up to it all, and be true, so there would be a real progress and we could walk forward again… But later in the day, when he tried to talk to P directly, he was badly treated and pushed back and away; as the younger brother he cannot insist… They all live together and some degree of peace must prevail in their house for everyone’s sake… … I am now quite apprehensive about the coming Chaturthy day… How will I manage…? But this is a petty concern on my part and I should know better than to worry: I have to trust that everything will be taken care of…

Sri Ganesh, The purer the base, The freer is the Motion Of Consciousness – Till, through oneness, The purity is complete And the Speed Of Consciousness Is so Great

That it seems Motionless –

Then comes The Act In Matter…!

Beautiful Ganesha, Infinite Dancer…

- 18-07-14:

… As it is, I am still reeling under the shock wave: to know that these past years of team-work actually were unsound and undermined at their core…


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