with Sri Ganesh

I have to see once again that, in this life, no matter where I go or what I do, there is always, so far, the simultaneity of a very high Grace and a very determined curse… Even now that I have moved out of society and am therefore unlikely to “give troubles”, still it has pursued me with its destroying and nullifying will… … Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Friend and Companion, The Great Shakti’s Knowing Son…! Aum Namaste

- 19-07-14:

… The more I look and the more I find that only a kind of possession could explain this whole experience – some nastiness coming into P either right after his stay at the hospital or even during that stay and settling deep and working from there, prompting him to betray and steal; for it has been almost like a case of split-personality… But really, who am I to pronounce on anything…! It is dizzying, though, to realize that all the times when I felt almost like rejecting him or was relieved whenever he would be held up by some other work of family matter, which I was reasoning out as my own selfish want to regain some privacy, there was an actual cause and, whether or not I had insisted on finding out the culprit, through the camera footage, it was all bound for some disaster anyway… … Rs. 20/- have been offered…

Massive and Nimble You Ride And you Dance…

No matter what The conditions and circumstances There is about you The Mastery Of Inalienable Harmony, Auspicious One…!


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