with Sri Ganesh

- 21-07-14:

… There is sorrow and grief, in a deep way, that cannot be ignored… It is almost as if this life-offering and commitment had been belittled and demeaned and made a mockery of… I used to trust, I used to feel grateful for the steadfastness of the relationship, its quality, and I was deluded, and I was deceived and used. And with this happening side by side with the accelerated ageing which I must observe in this body… I do feel a little lost… But then I can blame myself only: I made choices, I took risks, and I have fallen, and so what…! This is a battlefield anyway. Yet, still today, it feels impossible; I still cannot quite believe that this has happened…

Sri Ganesh, Red and Compact And Deeply Anchored – Rounded and Unassailable And most Auspicious, Yet a Sign Of Mystery…

- 22-07-14:

… Rs. 20/- are offered… There are still those tears: at any odd moment they rise, when I drive on the road for instance, all of a sudden they come like a surge… But surely some resolution must lay ahead, some new understanding that will justify this apparent waste…

Sri Ganesh, Red Son Of the Great One,

Massive and Charged And Densely Folded You appear, Holding Harmony Both Like a Shield and a Sword –

Thus you seem to show That the Power of Harmony


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