with Sri Ganesh

Can be wielded Whenever necessary To make way…

- 23-07-14:

… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh, Deep Red Prince Of the One, You teach Patience And persevering Service, No matters what the odds are, Nourished From within…

- 24-07-14:

… This morning the first interest amount from the 2 lakhs fixed deposit has come to the GAN account, Rs. 1,379/-; also Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste Ganeshji, Magus of the East, Herald of the One, Aum

- 25-07-14:

… There is a dry restlessness in the air and most plants look miserable…

Aum Ganesha, Brother Knight, Each phase of the Battle Must be assessed Impartially, So the required qualities May be summoned And activated


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