with Sri Ganesh

For the clearance of the Way…

Aum Namo Bhagavate Let the Lord Be…!

- 26-07-14:

… Rs. 20/- are offered; on my way I exchanged all the coins, for Rs. 100/- which I then spent for new light bulbs and camphor… … I saw when I entered the shrine this morning that P. had come earlier and left flowers from the Matrimandir park and 3 brass coins…

Timeless, Yet intimate and tender, Your gesture is soothing, Sri Ganesh…

As much as there is surrender Of falsehood, As much there comes Joy Into the world…

… JY, whose birthday it is, comes in to sit before Sri Ganesh for a while and offers Rs. 1,000/- from “Last School”…

- 28-07-14:

… There were a couple of showers on Saturday evening and last evening too and the grass has revived…

Sri Ganesh Namaste

World Watcher Directly issued From the One, Massive and yet light, Immobile yet Immediate, Your unique figure Roams And observes the Beings


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