with Sri Ganesh

Or waits And Sifts The Offerings…

Ganeshji, Brother…!

- 29-07-14:

… I found, entering, that P had left a large envelope for me containing what seem to be the original land deeds duly stamped for the last piece of land he purchased from his cousin… So, there is at least a little movement and it is a slight relief that on this matter he has not lied to me. It is also his way to let me understand that now all of his land deeds are with me, in my possession, so to speak… … I have again to take rest in the Riddhi room; I can’t see my way forward these days – how to fight on, how to keep striving for harmony and presence in the body, in Matter, in this betrayed world…

Sri Ganesh, Brother before Her, Help preserve And develop The integrity of the Way… Sweet Ganesha, Let the journey be cleansed, Let the Path

Prosper In truth And harmony…


… A lorry driver from Madhya Pradesh has come in twice this morning and, the second time, as he entered the shrine asking for the tilakam from my hands in blessing, he covered his head with a cloth and behaved like a child; he wears earrings just like mine… I guess that in other areas of our Mother India I might feel even more at home than here in Tamil Nad… … Rs. 10/- are offered…


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