with Sri Ganesh

- 30-07-14:

… Prasad, who is now settling in Auroville with his family, comes in to pray and offers Rs. 1,000/- and also volunteers to provide equipment and labor should I need any heavy work to be done in the garden here, as he has now joined the AV Road Service… Another Rs. 40/- are offered… Yesterday I transferred another Rs, 20,000/- from the AV account to the GAN account and so, now, there is in AV account Rs, 80,000/- + in the GAN account Rs. 256, 365 + in cash at hand Rs. 11,490/-, a total amount of Rs. 347, 865/-… … Since I have less flowers to offer in the puja, Sri Ganesh, you appear more quietly active, like a closer companion, yet free from the corporeal humanness which is our field of work here… I have to ask you, Sri Ganesh, to indicate what is wanted for the coming Chaturthy, for I do not know what to do…

- 31-07-14:

Today Sri Ganesh You appear

As the Lone Warrior, The Prince of the One Doing forays In the worlds, Filled with knowledge Yet seldom, if ever, Using it, as other beings Would surely do…

The little of it you do use Is reserved To the clearing of auspicious paths Of progress, When the cry is candid And the soul Assents –

Meanwhile you roam The worlds, Brother Prince,

Awaiting, Awaiting…


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