with Sri Ganesh

In full view…

Could the beings Understand…!

- 16-08-14:

… Last night, with terrific thunderbolts, came a forceful rain; it didn’t last long but was very intense. Sri Ganesh, Namaste, help clear the way, Aum Namo Bhagavate…

- 18-08-14:

… Rs. 10/- are offered this morning and, yesterday evening Gita, who is visiting from Amritsar, gave me a donation of Rs. 5,000/- for Sri Ganesh…

Ganapati, Brother and King, Namaste… Very tender and articulate Is Your Nobility –

It knows Its inexhaustible Source And its generosity Is thus A movement of Consciousness –

Sri Ganesh, Help with the work Of a new creation Here…!

- 19-08-14:

… Rs. 70/- are offered… … My attempt to involve the creative farmers in the Chaturthy celebrations has failed: K.M. has answered, late, that he has no time


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