with Sri Ganesh

for it; as for Auro Orchard, they have only committed to send some fruit and some greens…

Ganapataye You come as The Triangle Of Power, Knowledge And Kinship –

The Solidarity of all Creation –

But you belong to the One, Work for the One, Serve The One.

- 20-08-14:

Namaste Ganapati, Amrita Raja, So high is your birth, Ganapataye, That you can enter Any plane and any world And Serve there Your calling… Aum Namo Bhagavate

In the afternoon I went to the market to purchase new stocks of incense and oils, powders and camphor and spent Rs. 2,000/-

- 21-08-14:

… Someone has offered Rs. 10/-.

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Great Purohit, Leader of the Army Of the Beings, Guardian of the True


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