with Sri Ganesh

Riches, Servant of the One In All, Namaste, Beautiful, mysterious Ganesha…!

- 22-08-14:

… The developers who have purchased from Auroville the middle plot of previously “Auroannam” farmland, and have since built it up as a large walled-in compound to be sold out in house-plots, on the other side of the road, have put up a huge advertising board at the intersection with the highway almost directly in front of our stone wall and I had phoned them to request them to move it away to the other side at least. But today I saw they had done nothing at all, so I called them again – today is their “inauguration” – and they promised to do the shift before the evening… … It seems P went yesterday to the Samadhi, as I found a small picture of You this morning when I entered and two brass coins… Today, Rs. 520/- have been offered…

Namaste, Sri Ganesh, Companion at Her Feet!

Respect for every part, Every element, Every force and Every being In manifestation Is the indispensable guarantee For the right harmony To prevail – Whenever and wherever This respect Is lacking, There is havoc and misery –

With you, Sri Ganesh, There is always and Unconditionally Respect and Reverence


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