with Sri Ganesh

Towards all…


- 23-08-14:

… I had arranged for Gita, Sumant and Amal to meet with Arun here this morning regarding their land in Auroville; they offered Rs. 1,100/- … P had already left fresh flowers from the MM gardens before I reached here; I hope he has found work by now…

Namaste, Sri Ganesh, Namaste Aum…

- 25-08-14:

… I was very disappointed to find that, even though he knows very well that Chaturthy is approaching and so much needs to be done, as every year, yet P had made no effort whatsoever yesterday to do any work in the garden; and today when he comes to ask “what can I do”, I find out, dragging it out of him, that he has not even looked for work all these days and that, if he didn’t do anything here yesterday it was because V. had come here itself to confront him and they had had a fight, throwing vile words at each other – her only concern, apparently, being whether or not he had a sexual involvement with the woman who got most of the money, his cousin’s wife… So I let him know clearly how I feel about it all and he leaves… And so my usual apprehension before the Chaturthy is this year much increased, as I have no idea yet how I am going to manage all the different little tasks and be able to invoke enough harmony…

Sri Ganesh, Knight and Brother, Bring the Armies, Sri Ganesh, To stand and fight For the Truth Of the Earth…! Sri Ganesh, Let the Crown Of True Existence Shine forth


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