with Sri Ganesh

his mind or even his life… I found it rather tricky, as there is still in me the sense of caring and nurturing him; but his being so dramatic is not going to help him out, so I cut him short and sent him away… I also suspect the attitude is the same on the side of his family – they expect that, having done so much for him earlier, I will soon relent and take him back with me… … Today I learnt that, two mornings ago on the 13 th , at the Ashram Nursing Home, Kireet Joshi passed away - the medical cause being cancer of the throat – and that his remains were to be cremated yesterday evening… So, as far as his involvement with Auroville is concerned, there has been no “closure” (and the man who ordered my execution and actually fired the first shot has now left the scene) or so do I feel, but what do I know…? I simply feel that another opportunity for real progress and discovery has been lost…

Sri Ganesh, Prince of the Mother’s Work Missioned to help With the Surrender Of all Falsehood So that all forces may learn To collaborate As you clear the Way For Her Harmony…

- 16-09-14:

… Last night, with spectacular thunder and lightning bolts, the rain at last came, a good rain that soaked the top-soil; all the plants are revived and the temperature has dropped several degrees and now the sky remains grey and the air cool… … As I clean the cupboards in Riddhi room and sort out old documents and records which Kusum had been keeping, I come upon a type- written account, to which I had not paid much attention earlier, of the story of this shrine, which was, according to this document, built in 1962 only… It goes like this: the owner was Thiru Balasubramanian Iyer. This man had been suffering from terrible head pains and vomiting blood. Doctors in Thanjavur advised him to undergo brain surgery, but without any guarantee of success. His wife then suggested that they seek guidance from the Shankaracharya of Kancheepuram, Sri Chandrasekharendra Swamigal, who instructed that they must build a temple for “Pillayar” (a popular name for Lord Ganesh in Tamil Nadu)


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