with Sri Ganesh

more than an instant as I do not want any insects inside… Eventually it passed the night behind a chest next to my sleeping mat…!

The more I go, the clearer it is to me that there is only Love, true Love, that can give the knowledge by identity – which is the only real and sure knowledge ever… They come together… True Love and true Knowledge… And until one is open to That, unreservedly and steadily and unfalteringly, there can be no actual change in our condition and in the state of our consciousness and being…

You appear compact and powerful, Sri Ganesh, Vibrant with an articulate Expression In the harmony Of your Sharing…

- 29-09-14:

… In the middle of the night there came a little rain and the garden is content and it gives me time to give Sri Ganesh a good scrub and bath and wash the floor of the shrine and polish the utensils and even wash the Riddhi room… … On her way back to Amritsar Gita comes in to pray and do pranam and offers Rs. 1,100/-… … Yesterday night, after almost three whole days inside the house, that big rat snake finally went out when two friends and I managed to prod it along on its way with two sticks, without further damage… Why did it want so much to remain inside, without any food or water… Yet it was still so strong and quick to parry… I found it had an unpleasant smell, though, and I was relieved to be left alone…!

Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 30-09-14:

… Yesterday afternoon in Bangalore, Jayalalitha was convicted to 4 years imprisonment and a fine of 100 crores, while Paneerselvam was again sworn in as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, the second time he is asked to replace her for similar reasons – the first was 10 years ago…


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