with Sri Ganesh

Auspicious Breath Of the One Aum…

- 07-10-14:

… A man who had come for the first time yesterday, comes again today to pray; he seems to be quite religious and he seeks me out to ask me to dress Sri Ganesh, as they do in many places in the South – one often finds his lower figure wrapped in a dirty white longi; I answer that this is not necessary as the lower part of his body is also charged with important meanings… which he seems to accept…! … Rs. 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh, Your inner Wealth Is such That no matter where you Stand You at once are armed With the qualities and powers Uniquely required –

And in your center Glows The Love of the One…

- 08-10-14:

… Rs. 100/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh you appear as if More powerful But in a new way which I cannot define,

At once more collected And more articulated And freer, Yet ever unique… Namaste


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