with Sri Ganesh

- 09-10-14:

… K of the Kalari team comes to do her pranam and let me know that the special herbs oil is ready for me to pick up; the team has been loosely working at freeing the blockages in my lower spine and shown me several exercises which I have added to my daily routine, but it takes time, especially as, according to them, I keep doing physical work and cycling, while I should refrain for a while from any physical activity…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Beautiful Helper Of The Two Who Are One… Aum

- 10-10-14:

Sri Ganesh, You come Her Radiant Soldier, Ever Impassive and Ready, Filled with Knowledge Of the Worlds, Yet ever Her Child And your coming Is A celebration Of Her Love For all of Creation…


- 11-10-14:

Sri Ganesh You appear today as The Great Magician Of Transformation


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