with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh Namaste Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 29-10-14:

… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Lovely, Sweet Ganesha, Namaste

- 30-10-14:

… Rs. 10/- are offered… D is helping me find a good and neat and discreet music system for Sri Ganesh and the parts are coming together; later this year I also plan to have the shrine and the tank repainted. Lately I was set on hoarding and forming a kind of corpus but, now and then, it is healthy to spend…

Sri Ganesh Namaste I wish this place to be one

Of awareness across the planes In simple, live, actual ways…

Sri Ganesh, Clear the way For that Awareness To become established And concrete…

- 31-10-14:

… D and I have now selected parts of the music system – the “blaster” has been brought from Australia and D. is getting the memory card and charger and looking for a fitting tablet, like a small computer, and so far it has cost Rs. 17,000/-.

Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Beautiful Knight Of the One…


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