with Sri Ganesh

- 01-11-14:

… There was just a little rain in the night and this morning is nearly cloudless… Almost as soon as I arrived, P came to “see” me; he says he has now understood when it all started: right after he had gone to Tirupati, barely two months after his return from the Chennai hospital, when he was still staying with me recuperating; that it had been as if the Lord Venkateshwar himself had put the idea into his head, who appeared again before him a few days ago… So I scold him again, insisting that he can blame no one and no other power, till he has truly faced the fact that he not only cheated and lied and stole but that he dissembled and play-acted with his closest friend for several years on end and was not even thinking of stopping it… I want him to be very careful not to ever pretend that it was not him really and his relationship to me was always true… For the danger then would be a more serious mental disorder, such as split-personality… I tell him too that, of course, nothing and no one can take away the love between us, but that he must come to terms with his own deception and deviousness so as to be able to really offer it up for change… … A monkey came in to stroll in the garden today…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, At Her Feet, Help clear the Way Of true Progress… Namaste Aum

- 03-11-14:

… A slow rain started yesterday evening and continues even now, with moments now and then of denser downpour…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Your Nobility Is a teaching… Aum

- 04-11-14:

… This season there is work for two of us full-time…! P phones me to tell me two of his dreams… Rs. 10/- have been offered…


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