with Sri Ganesh

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Beautiful Ganesha, Namaste

- 05-11-14:

… Rs. 10/- are offered… There has been no more rain but the air is cool and the sky mostly grey…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Divine Helper On the Path Of Transformation, Instrument and Servitor Of Her Grace, Channeling Harmony For Protection…


- 06-11-14:

… These days I have been doing more in the garden, thankful for the filtering clouds, and had little time to sit before Sri Ganesh,,, But, generally, it is a fact that this year, since the brutal discovery of my blindness and unconsciousness, I have questioned my perceptions and hesitate now to return to that inner space: I need to understand more and better how this could have happened…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Maaputra Namaste

- 07-11-14:

Sri Ganesh Namaste, You hold and carry Always The tools of the Sadhana And it is


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