with Sri Ganesh

The One’s Love That governs Its course… Aum

- 08-11-14:

… On his way to Delhi A comes in to do pranam and pulls me out to bless the new company car…! He offers Rs. 1,000/- and later another Rs. 30/- are also offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, You are the Auspicious Rider And the Trustee, You bear the keys Of Harmony, Because your knowledge Has met All darkness While remaining Ever One…

- 10-11-14:

… The feeling, or the urge, or the need, is for this place to become like a “bomb of truth”, or an ore of satya – and that this stone be charged with condensed, compact, puissant energy of Truth, for Auroville… So charged that its action be constant and detailed and its pulsation be like a marker, a beacon, for the forms of a harmonious future…

Sri Ganesh Namaste Let the One’s Love Dissolve all denials… Aum

- 11-11-14:

… The weather is now warm and moist…


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