with Sri Ganesh

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Great Magician, Noble and Beautiful Servitor Of the Mother, Fulfilling is The Harmony You bring… Aum

- 12-11-14:

… There came a little rain in the early night an again early this morning…

Namaste Sri Ganesh You appear strongly Charged To bless and protect The difficult work Of transformation –

Your appearance is itself A great support, Beautiful Ganesha, Deep is your Sound…


… Early in the afternoon I drive down to the Pondy market and purchase Rs. 1,500/- worth of incense and oils and powders…

- 13-11-14:

… A slow rain started yesterday evening and is still continuing and I work in rain gear and no one comes in this morning – no one human, but many cows…!

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Knight of Harmony In Creation…


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