with Sri Ganesh

You have watched Destruction and Rebirth Impartially But your joy Is in her Path Of Progressive Harmony…

Aum Ganapataye Namah

… It is today 41 years since I returned from “exile” and 11 years since I left my work at Matrimandir…

- 14-11-14:

… There was abundant rain much of yesterday and most of last night and it continues even now, with pauses of calm…

Sri Ganesh Namaste The conscious Jewel And the Charged Link In the Cave…


- 15-11-14:

… The sun rays hit the ground again and one perspires heavily… B the electrician finds out that the main wire had simply melted, perhaps due to rain entering the sleeve and causing a short… … The Bengali parents of this young woman who studied in the Ashram were very appreciative of my singing, but they only offered Rs. 100/-, so it must be mere courtesy to say so…! I guess most everyone in my place would somehow ingratiate themselves in such ways as to elicit more substantial donations, but… what can I do? In my view this would amount to interfering, as it is for each individual to find out whether there is any truth here and they are concerned enough to want to contribute materially…

Namaste Sri Ganesh


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