with Sri Ganesh

- 17-11-14:

… Rs.10/- are offered…

Beautiful Ganesha Namaste, Let Earth be honored

And revered O Ganesha, Let there be True and direct Awakening –

Let the Spell Dissolve…

Aum Namo Bhagavate Aum

… It will be 41 years today that Your heart stopped beating and they rushed Your body out of Your room to be exposed to the crowds…

- 18-11-14:

… Rs. 30/- are offered… I have to explain to M again the difference of lines between the separate two symbols and the joint one, so he can complete the wax model of the crown…

Delightful, magnificent Ganesha, Namaste, Keeper of the Nectar, Bearer of the keys To Progress… Aum

- 19-11-14:

... Rs. 20/- are offered… I count all the Rs. 5/- brass coins to be melted for the crown and there are 350 of them (monetary value of Rs. 1,750/-); I also count


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