with Sri Ganesh

the ordinary coins that have lately been offered, making for an amount of Rs. 225/-…

Sri Ganesh Namaste Lovely Knight Namaste

- 20-11-14:

… M comes in with another mock-up of the crown, which we adjust and fit precisely, checking for exact size and balance, together in the shrine; this time it is quite alright… I give him the coins; it will probably not cover the cost of the labor… … Rs. 20/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Rich and Generous is Your Radiance, Noble and Warm and Tender…

Ancient King, Friend of all Souls, Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste

- 21-11-14:

… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Great is your knowledge

Of Harmony, It is rooted in The Origin And thus it can protect And nourish With Existence, Consciousness And Love The arduous necessities Of Change… Aum Namo Bhagavate


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