with Sri Ganesh

- 22-11-14:

… Arriving I saw that P had come in yesterday to clean the pond; it was much needed and it is a small relief that he felt compelled to do it, as he has been very passive and tamasic lately. The night before he had phoned to say he now understood all his wrong-doing originated in his own mind; but he added that it had all started in 1998 when he had been badly shocked and incapacitated by exposure to excessive heat while working at the oven in the Matrimandir gilding workshop… What does that mean? That he right then started to plan how to get closer to me in order to profit? I don’t think he has yet been able to assess the treachery in his own heart…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Representative Of all the gods For the earth-spirit, Who belong exclusively To the One, Who serve the Mother, Namaste, Wondrous Ganesha…

- 23-11-14:

… Rs. 30/- have been offered… The body feels vulnerable, there has been more dis-order or dis-harmony lately… Is it a pointless battle…? Today I brought to Sri Ganesh a large bundle of peacock feathers which I collected in our “Sincerity” garden in the past week or so…

Namaste Gan Ganapataye

Aum Namo Bhagavate Let the Earth be saved From this…! Beautiful Ganesha,

Let all forces Collaborate…!



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