with Sri Ganesh

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Thank you for this clearance –

Let the Path be strong By the Grace Of the One…

Beautiful Ganesha Aum

- 01-12-14:

… Rs. 50/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Aum Namo Bhagavate Glowing and Vibrant With Rich Harmony Is your court, Lord Ganesha, As you share the Presence With all those who have Heeded Her Call… Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 02-12-14:

The sky seems to be clearing and the sunlight returning… Rs. 20/- are offered… people come in till late and I have no time to sit with Sri Ganesh…

- 03-12-14:

… P has come on my request as I needed him to apply his signature on a fixed deposit I have to shift; S and one of his colleagues came here yesterday and advised on how I should settle all Income Tax by making a yearly fixed deposit of a specific type for the next five years.


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