with Sri Ganesh

In Matter, Beautiful Ganesha Mahaganapataye Aum Namo Namah

- 29-11-14:

… A slow rain began yesterday and continues… P is waiting for me when I arrive, to “see” me; he has not yet found a proper paying job but only volunteers at the neighboring Ashram farm, getting just a little help from its manager now and then; I think he does not want to leave the atmosphere and hopes some solution will finally present itself… He just stands and watches as I clean and arrange things in the shrine, till I want to shake him and scold him again for not yet facing up to his own responsibility in the dissembling act he did for several years… He agrees that he must still dig it out and face it… … I have just started the puja when in come Madhu and his wife, after long; they sit quietly and attend the whole of it and the Aarti. At one point they hand me an offering of a big necklace, the type of gaudy costume jewelry they seem to favor and, this time, Madhu has already prepared a proper note of donation. Somehow this time I do not mind them so much. And when we all come out – in the meantime two more people have joined to attend -, Madhu addresses me directly: his birthday is coming up soon, on the 7 th and, this year, he has decided he wants and needs to clean the slate. He has resolved to withdraw all allegations against me, to cancel the FIR and to do whatever is required so that his own and his brother’s action of malicious vengeance against me is fully corrected. So, it has taken him 10 years to arrive at this point, but he finally has. At once I say that I appreciate it and that our lives must be cleaned of that stain and this is surely Kusum’s most prized wish; I tell him he must clear my name not only at the lowest level, with the Police, but at the highest, with the Chairman of the Governing Board (Karan Singh, who had been persuaded at that time to withdraw my visa) and I suggest that he consult with Srinivasmurthy as to how to proceed. Then he goes on to say that he would like my help in building a place for his family for them to stay when they visit the Ashram and Auroville and that he is willing to help out if I need anything for the temple… At this I remind him that he knows full well that AV has never supported this place materially and so he should do according to his heart… The wife repeated several times, “please forgive us”, and I know she is genuine, as she had already indicated the same over the years. Today they have offered Rs. 100/-…


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