with Sri Ganesh

I have given Rs. 1,000/- for the tools they need to buy; first they will scrub the old paint all over the shrine and the water tank… Today too I have brought the new music system and now I have to try it out and see where the best position is for the blaster, depending on the occasion… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Beautiful Champion And Messenger Of the Mother, Filled with Her Nobility, Her Light, Her Compassion…


- 24-12-14:

… B came with some of his team to do pranam and they offered to fix the leaking public tap… I like this sort of attitude, it really is an offering; on the other side of the spectrum, a small group of elderly people, rather well-off, came to do pranam with a somewhat condescending attitude and they offered, between them, the vast amount of Rs. 10/-… Another Rs. 10/- were offered and I have given R another advance of Rs. 3,000/- to purchase all the paint: we have chosen the colors together on the chart.

Namaste Sri Ganesh Companion of the Way Namaste

- 25-12-14:

… Rs. 100/- have been offered…. The painting work is going on, but it does not obstruct the puja…

Namaste Gorgeous Ganesha Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Priya Ganapati Aum


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