with Sri Ganesh

- 26-12-14:

… Today I give another advance of Rs. 2,000/- to R for missing materials to complete the work… … I checked all the accounts, as another interest amount was deposited on the SBI GAN Ac, which comes now to Rs. 334,250/-, while the remaining amount in the AV Ganesh Temple Ac is Rs. 2,000/- and the cash here is Rs. 955/-, that is a total credit amount of= Rs. 337,205/-…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Mahaganapati, Magnificent Guardian Of the Path To the One in All, Aum Namo Bhagavate, This is the Way To True Prosperity…

… Today I leave a little early to let R and his helper repaint the ceilings inside the shrine…

- 27-12-14:

… R and his helper have done well; it is all neat and fresh and bright and harmonious now… I see with R all the bills and accounts for the work and pay him the balance of Rs. 4,000/-. … P came: he is still helping at the Ashram farm nearby where he only get the paltry amount or Rs, 500/- a week; when I ask him why he still has not found a full-time job, he just nods and mumbles that he will… Then he says he has now understood it was him and only him who did all the mischief and the mess and now he will begin to improve… But then suddenly he sits on the ground and lays his head on my feet sobbing and sobbing and holding tightly on and saying I am everything to him… I don’t know… … These days I am really at a loss, regarding the ageing “process”: what to do about this ugly conditioning of the cells, this disgusting, revolting imposition of dis-harmonty, deeply seated and organized in its refusal and rejection of the true nature, of beauty, presence and delight…? I am, it seems, also gradually losing my eyesight, the mobility is not improving, the skin sags and yields… What a grimace…!


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