with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh Namaste Delightful King, Ancient Child Of the Mother, Ageless and Alert And inviolably Noble Namaste Gan Ganapataye…

- 29-12-14:

… Yesterday it began to drizzle now and then and in the night it grew to a slow rain till dawn, to then revert to drizzling. … Rs. 20/- were offered yesterday while P was doing the puja and today Rs. 50/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Rich and Full Is your Dance, Deep and Vibrant And radiating with Meaning, Sri Ganesh, The Way must be found, The Way must be found, The Way must be found For the Earth, For this Earth to become The Habitation Of the Lord’s multitude… Aum Ganesha…!

- 30-12-14:

… Today I could set up the music system and play Sunil’s music for Savitri in front of the shrine; the acoustics are excellent when the blaster is placed in the stone slab under the Service tree half-way between Riddhi and Siddhi… And today my daughter Ajneyam Auragni came in with her husband and her first-born daughter of 4, to have


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