with Sri Ganesh

not now how to cope and would rather die and let me have his body… And so I have to scold and shout again and remind him he must not now spoil all my work, but learn and stand on his own feet and take the diffidence from the people around him as but a small punishment for the mess he has made… Eventually he sobers up and begins to think of what he must do; then he leaves… Douce Mere, what must I do on my side? I am only sure of the necessity to have it all in the open, and work it out transparently and genuinely offer it; this may bruise his standing in the short term but when he recovers and grows from it, it will turn into a blessing. … Rs.10/- have been offered…

As you advance, Sri Ganesh, At the head of your retinue, In your full majesty, Very clear is your demand For pure receptivity And genuine reverence, So that Harmony May reign Instead of division and ruin… Aum

- 10-01-15:

The night was slightly cooler and now the sky is clearer and brighter…

Namaste Knight of the Creative Fire, Namaste Ganesha, Knowing is the Flame Of your Density… Aum

- 12-01-15:

Yesterday Sunday as usual P. did the morning puja (I have felt that this much of a continued life was going to help his recovery) and in the afternoon


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