with Sri Ganesh

S. and two of his people came to mow the grass all over the garden, till night-fall, and they did a fine job of it. But today it is for me to collect all the cut grass everywhere…!

Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Priya Ganesha Sweet Lord of the Troops… Aum

- 13-01-15:

It is a glorious weather: the air is very cool at night and very mild in the day, the sun rays are a soft caress and the light is a splendor, all the plants tranquilly thriving… The garden is a wonderful sight and I keep “thinking “, or seeing Kusum’s expression if she would now, ten years later, contemplate it: how happy and amazed she would be…!

Namaste Sri Ganesh…

- 14-01-15:

Last night was probably the coolest of this season so far and now everything is in bright repose, basking in sweet sunlight… … Another murder in our area yesterday, the Panchayat leader of Bommayarpallayam…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Suryaganapati, Let this world Be the One’s Home Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 15-01-15:

Perhaps this last night was even cooler; it is truly a wonderful weather. Today I have to pay for the grass-cutting session (petrol, rent of the machines and labor charges for two: Rs. 1,500/-. Rs. 30/- were offered this morning…


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