with Sri Ganesh

- 22-07-15:

There came a shower yesterday evening and another in the night and the air at once cooled by several degrees: it is astonishing how just a little water from the sky can revive all living things, how the grass has greened overnight and the leaves have spread wide and firm again… This gives me time to give Sri Ganesh a lemon bath and to scour and scrub the shrine… Rs. 120/- are offered…

Prince Ganapati, There is so much work to do

On this earth At the service Of the One…

Aum Ganesha Let there be True Progress = The Mother’s Prosperity…

- 23-07-15:

Yesterday afternoon I spent Rs. 2,000/- in the big market for new stocks of oils and camphor and incense… Today I scrub and wash Riddhi room.

Sri Ganesh, You roam about Across the worlds Watching and assessing- There is no judgment in you, There is only A vastness That knows the One And awaits… Aum

- 24-07-15:

These days there are scattered showers in the night, sunny mornings and clouded afternoons; I have more time for maintenance…


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