with Sri Ganesh

A loud commotion draws me later to the gate: the TNEB workmen are hacking at large branches over the compound wall; they have not bothered to warn me, but I can hardly complain as I ought to have arranged for the pruning of those limbs that were too close to the high-tension lines… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh And Hail to the Mysteries Of Ganapati, Joyous and Generous Is the Flame You Share In your tranquil Abode, Sri Ganesh Aum

- 25-07-15:

The sky has cleared, the heat has mounted and the breeze has returned with its fiery breath… Have to clear all the debris the workmen have left yesterday, but they have been more careful than I had feared and taken away from the gate area all the cut wood. Two interest amounts, I saw yesterday, have accrued to GAN Ac, the monthly one of Rs. 1,377/- and a yearly one of Rs.2, 829/-…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Exquisite Ganesha, The Knower, The immobile Dancer, Rich with Sight, Wondrous of expression… Let there be clearance For the Necessary Discovery…


- 26-07-15:

P. does the puja as on every Sunday and A. on his way to Delhi comes in to do his pranam and offers Rs. 1,000/-.


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