with Sri Ganesh

To its Integrity…

Aum Aum Gan Ganapataye Namah

- 29-09-15:

Last night there came a little more drizzling and the air further cooled; the garden is requiring less watering and I have more time for pruning. Rs 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Today you appear As the Gatherer

And the Master of Works, Encouraging all myriads Of activities To serve the One Shakti And be the limbs and the tools

Of Her Actions In the World, Beautiful Ganesha Aum

- 30-09-15:

P. brings his elder daughter for her birthday and offers a garland.

Sri Ganesh, Highest Officiant,

The Great Shakti’s Purohit, Earth-Nature’s emissaries Have come To your Yajna And remain still At your sides, You who are The link… Ganesha Aum


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