with Sri Ganesh

- 01-10-15:

Sri Ganesh Namaste You bear the spirit Of a Happy Earth, A creation wherein All enmity and all malevolence Have been touched

By Her Love And become Friends and siblings

Aum Namaste Ganapataye

- 02-10-15: - Gandhi Jayanti -

P. has come “to see” me and Sri Ganesh, having got half a day leave; he helps me replace the bell rope with the new braided one I prepared yesterday and tells me his news and adds that sometime next week he will be ready to tell me something important he holds in his heart… Today it is also K.T.’s 93 rd birthday and I am fashioning a japa mala for him, our “Army man” with one of Sri Ganesh’s own…

Namaste, You are splendid, Sri Ganesh, help me clear the way…!

- 03-10-15:

There came last evening a single cloud-burst, that yielded just enough rain to feed the top-soil… Rs. 30/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste You are singing a great Happy Song, Sri Ganesh, Vibrant and Rhythmic With the stars And jewels Of Her Presence…


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