with Sri Ganesh

Aum Blessed are the Fruits…

- 05-10-15:

There were a couple of showers last evening and in the night. Rs. 120/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste Servitor of True Harmony For which All must be cleared That could later obstruct And contradict –

There you stand, Knowingly And with your help The true Way Is found… Aum Ganesha

- 06-10-15:

Even though the breeze has risen again the light today is splendid… Rs. 30/- are offered… Last night P. had come here to lay his monthly salary at Sri Ganesh’s feet: this month, having done a lot of overtime work – many times he begins at 4.30 am to operate the oven – he has earned Rs. 20,000/-; I am relieved that he may now be able to catch up on his own responsibilities…

Namaste Sri Ganesh You appear today in a Festive Poise, A Riot of calm cheer, As if ushering The next stage of the Journey, A wondrous encouragement And a blessing And also A Promise… Aum Ganesha


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