with Sri Ganesh

Namaste Sri Ganesh Delightful Ganapataye Please help me serve True

Progressive Harmony…! Aum Ganesha

- 23-10-15:

At night the air cools markedly, to warm up the next morning with the sun- rays…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, With the staff of Nature And the Rose of Peace You stand, The Guardian of the Path, In this world As in the others –

For it is One Path- Aum

- 24-10-15:

Today the monthly interest amount accrued to GAN Ac, Rs. 1,370/-…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Poised and self-contained You stand and sign The Way – It is Her Blessing…

- 26-10-15:

The wind keeps shifting directions, it almost feels like the month of April is back and the garden is poorly…


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