with Sri Ganesh

P. has offered two little gold and glass tiles which he has made himself, one bearing Your symbol and one representing Ganeshji, very well done, each about 4” side. Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Her Chosen Guardian For The Yoga of the World…

Aum Namo Bhagavate Gan Ganapataye…

- 27-10-15:

Last evening there was another earthquake, centered in Afghanistan and reaching up to Delhi…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Where you sit erect in the Cave Is the Flame of the Hearth

Ever Deep And True,’ For you guard Also The Path Within… Aum

- 28-10-15:

There was some rain in the night and clouds seem to be gathering… A man in traditional dress comes in to do pranam and then walks up to me in the garden to introduce himself as the pujari of the Kali temple nearby – a fairly new temple, perhaps 20 years old, which appears to be developing and become quite popular with a whole complex of buildings growing around it and open stalls and sometimes big queues lining up for special pujas (I cycled by some time ago); he gives his name as “Shakti”, a simple, unassuming gentle fellow in his early 40s perhaps… he makes no comments, asks no questions and neither do I…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Shakti’s own guard,


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