with Sri Ganesh

- 03-11-15:

The rain clouds have moved away, the air is quiet… Today Rs. 1,000/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste With the rarest Elegance You establish your protection, A reminder to all forces That this Path Is chosen And belongs To Her…

- 04-11-15:

Sri Ganesh Namaste Leader of the Tribes,

Rich is your Protection, Loving is your Service, Impassive is your Knowledge Of all… Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 05-11-15:

There were a few showers in the night, but the clouds are only coming from the South now – this is not the regular monsoon…

Namaste Sri Ganesh At once Austere and Splendid You appear, And Agni is your Twin And the Mother Of the Worlds Sends you forth To watch and to protect And to cheer And, sometimes, To Guard… Aum Namo Bhagavate


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