with Sri Ganesh

- 06-11-15:

Sri Ganesh Namaste Vibrant is your Poise Sri Ganesh, Precise and Caring Is your Watchfulness In your Service To Her Aum

- 07-11-15:

Last night there were several showers but again it appears it is neither widely nor evenly spread and the clouds are parting away as the sun ascends into the sky…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Master of Living Progressive Harmony, Namaste Brother and Friend…

- 09-11-15:

It began to rain heavily yesterday and turned tempestuous last evening and into the night all the way till this morning; contradictory announcements show a cyclonic storm moving either away or over Pondy in an hour or so, a formation which has come from the South rather than from the North-East and settled over the Bay the last two days; it has a very peculiar shape and its wind moves in several directions… the roads are littered, but there are no torn branches as yet… Rs. 200/- are offered… There are moments without rain and others without wind and it keeps shifting…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Would the forces collaborate, From every plane

And through every link To serve the harmony


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