with Sri Ganesh

- 12-11-15:

The weather has remained restfully calm and grey… Rs. 10/ are offered…

There are times indeed, I can’t help it as yet, when I do wonder whether this is at all a service – to That, to the Divine in humanity, whatever one wishes to call it… On the other hand I also see that I have been placed in the very best conditions for a concentrated sadhana free of almost every bound, every duty, every involvement… and how dumb it would be not to make proper use of it…!

Namaste Sri Ganesh Sweet Dancer for the Shakti,

Blocking and clearing, Arresting and ushering, Servant of the One’s Progress… Aum Ganesha

- 13-11-15:

It began to rain early this morning, a quiet slow rain which has now turned into tranquil drizzling.

Sri Ganesh Namaste Knower of Thresholds And Watchful Guardian Of Her Paths, Everywhere you may stand,

As a tribute To the One… Aum Ganesha

- 14-11-15:

It has continued to rain, but lightly and unevenly and now it drizzles and ceases and drizzles again, very quietly… Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Chief of Her Soldiers Bearing Her Banner,


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