with Sri Ganesh

Honoring Her On all Paths Of growth and change And True Increase… Namaste

- 16-11-15:

The rain has continued the last two days, fairly quiet, alternately slow and denser and a mere drizzle but, on the whole, quite abundant… This is another tough time of inner battling: despair, terror, madness, sheer disharmony…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Servant of conscious Harmony,

Help clear the Way For the awakening Of collaboration = When all forces realize

Their own true need And gratefully turn To Her… Aum Ganapataye Namo Namah

- 17-11-15: Douce Mère

Now the sky and the air are calm, it is very restful… Rs. 20/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh Namaste How to serve the Yoga of Peace Without collaboration? Knight of the Shakti In Her Ways, You hold the Peace That Knowledge gives And must await For the Souls’ Victory… Aum Ganesha


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