with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh Namaste, Magician King And secret Denizen Of the Fount of the World, Yet ready To bless And eager to serve,

You are seated With the Gifts Of creation, Awaiting…


- 18-12-15:

The weather continues to alternate between gray and sunlit spaces… On his way to the airport, A. offers Rs. 1,000/- and another Rs. 220/- are offered as well…

Namaste King Ganapati, You are seated with great force,

Spreading your Poise So that true aspiration May prosper And be Effective… Ominous voices of Doom Do not affect The Certainty Of Her Victory…

Sri Ganesh Namaste

- 19-12-15:

Rs. 30/- have been offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Emblem of Creation, Auspicious Figure


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