with Sri Ganesh

Of Grounding And growing In the Path Of The One, Namaste…

- 21-12-15:

The sky has nearly cleared, of a wonderful, vivid blue, the sun striking now at an angle: a winter splendor of light…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, Your Majesty is Wide and Tender And potent with Realizations, Your Poise and Balance Yield a joy Ever new and ever Unique, A joy that aspires In peace…


- 22-12-15:

I had to spend Rs. 500/- for a new coil in the switch board of the pump, as the old one burnt out two days ago; Rs. 10/- are offered… P. comes in before noon to “see” me: he has taken permission for a shorter day work, which usually starts at 4.30 am; he has been doing 12 hours shifts for several weeks now, but I feel it is good for him to be held to it for a while, like a purge…

Namaste, Magnificent Ganesha, Like a Boon Of Her Love You stand Where you can be found By the pilgrims Of


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