with Sri Ganesh

As if drawing To its own Infinity…

- 18-12-08:

O Sri Ganesh, Lovely Son,

Faithful Carrier Of the Shakti, Through you Her Light and Her power Embrace The Body of the Sun, Its substance flowing Where there is The readiness of the Soul, In trust and surrender And adoration Of The Mother.


- 19-12-08:

… Just as I finish the Aarti, that big, fat and busy local politician comes in a hurry to do his pranams and burn a little camphor and he offers Rs. 100/- And a while later, Arjun also comes and offers Rs. 500/-

The Son of Shiva And Parvati, The Equal Representative Of Ishwara And Ishwari, Of the Sun from whom Originate universes, Of the Universal Creatrix

Within whom Beats the Sun Of all Suns:


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