with Sri Ganesh

You stand for them Both, Sri Ganesh.

- 20-12-08:

… Shankar of AV Security comes with a request; he is part of a group of Tamil Aurovilians who gather regularly at various important temples in the region to recite verses and sing bhajans together; they wish to gather here, before Sri Ganesh, for an hour or so on Monday evening… I agree to it.

O Sri Ganesh, Gentle, smiling Herald, Rider of Her Loving Power, You glide among the tribes

Drawing their prayers And rendering them Into cups brimming With sun and honey - You ride and you glide And you amble And you bless, Your limbs Like folded wings Of tenderness.

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 22-12-08:

… Early this morning I got some physical disorder which confused the energies and I felt quite unworthy or unfit for any puja; but I persevered and tried to offer all these disharmonies in the body…

Sri Ganesh, Mysteried is your power, As your presence Manifests At intersections and crossroads


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