with Sri Ganesh

Your Braid of Meaning Is crafted so finely, With such beauty and intricacy And such essential Awareness That it can propagate Everywhere Equally, Welcome in the hearts Of all.

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 30-12-08:

… It is necessary to learn with you, Sri Ganesh, to be constantly the Spirit within the Form, the Spirit free from the Form, choosing the Form to manifest and yet unattached to it…

Only thus can full wakefulness, Full awareness, Continuous, Constant, Even and equal, Be realized –

And then only Can the Form

Unite with the Spirit And the new Reversal Take place, The Form transformed, The Form possessed, The Form filled And pregnant With the Child – Sri Ganesh, You are the Friend, A jewel of Being, And from you flows The softest and gentlest Emotion


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