with Sri Ganesh

Made substance, Which is like a link

Of diamond Reconciling Everywhere.

- 31-12-08:

… The whole afternoon, Manikandan, Parthipan and I wash and scrub every surface of the shrine to remove all the soot of the year and make Sri Ganesh light and happy for the year to come, which will need, need, need more awareness…

Sri Ganesh, Perhaps Light Originally Reversed itself To become Matter – And it is Fire, It is Agni, The Divine Worker, Who through the ages Opens Matter To the Presence Manifest – And from That Presence Seated within Matter Light pours again, Dense and live, White and Gold –

And Sri Ganesh Wears the crown of flame And dances on the substance Of Light

Become material, Become manifest –

It is so, Agni and Ganapati


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