with Sri Ganesh

And gentle and knowing And you come Bearing such gifts From the Shakti, Entrusted by Her With some of Her treasures, To remind men Of the Goal She pursues –

Of a true world Of Infinite Delight –

And for that to become Material, You are here to convey Her request =

Men must offer Their lives To Her…

O Sri Ganesh, Such happy riches You bring,

Such glowing Contentment, The prosperity of the Soul…

- 09-01-09:

… For some reason which I cannot fathom, Krishnaraj, of “World Union”, brought two rich elderly Indians from UK, along with their driver… What a pitiful sight they were, acting the parts of good-willed Westerners towards “fascinating India”… They donated, as an after-thought, all of Rs. 20/-…!

Sri Ganesh, Poised as your crown is A Light of crafted jewels And a white opening


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