with Sri Ganesh

hundreds of police and enormous preparations have been proceeding for the last two days or so. This morning, hoping good-naturedly to get a glimpse of their revered and beloved leader, a bunch of Tibetans from Puducherry or Bangalore are placidly standing alongside the road or sitting near the gate, as it is the turn from the Main Road and the convoy will have to slow down. But eventually, after a few hours, they are all requested by the police to move over to the actual site of the event and they leave strings of Tibetan flags hanging between trees and poles…

Sri Ganesh, I see you blessing and protecting And I wish to address you as the guardian Of Auroville’s adventure, Of its truth And its possibilities… May I, Sri Ganesh? May I?

The protection you extend Is jeweled with

The Shakti’s drops Of nectar and blood And the Lord’s Smile Beams in your gait – O Sri Ganesh, Be the guardian Of Auroville’s truth, For the sake Of the Mother’s work Upon earth…

… This same day, in the afternoon for us here, Barak Hussein Obama takes over as President of the USA, an event of very high and rare quality and significance.

- 21-01-09:

Sri Ganesh, You can loom very large And you can disappear


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